"Sensation HardCore, Vol.1"

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16.maijs, 2008, piektdiena, Durvis19:00 / Uzstāšanās 20:00

Ignite (US), Death Before Dishonor (US), Burn The 8 Track (CAN), Tesa (LV), SideMind (LV)

5 Ls

Ignite (Us) [Melodic Hardcore]:

Death Before Dishonor (Us) [Hardcore]:

Burn The 8 Track (Can):

Sidemind (Lv):

Tesa (Lv):

Ignite Bio:
Orange County's Ignite aren't another punk rock/hardcore band. They don't wear make up. They don't care about image. They aren't a here today, gone tomorrow flash in the pan. They aren't tired scenesters, clinging desperately to the past. So what, you ask, are Ignite? That's easy.

Ignite, who've been making music together for over 10 years, are a successful, international act with a diehard global following. They've got a proven, rabid fanbase that populates over 30 countries, thanks to their Iron Man tour scheduling. People go crazy for Ignite all over Europe, Australia, South America, and in their native Us, and that's why the band lives on the road, bringing the fans what they want and what they need.

Ignite are rock band with hardcore roots, a rock band that supports a series of environmentally and socially conscious groups like Doctors Without Borders, Habitat For Humanity, Sea Shepherds, Project Blue Sea, and Earth First. Ignite have donated the proceeds from a series of seven inches, ten inches, and splits to these causes. They've released three albums, A Place Called Home (2000), Past Our Means (1996) and Call On My Brothers (1995), all of which enjoy a place in the hardcore canon. Our Darkest Days is their latest full-length, and first for Abacus Recordings.

Most importantly, Ignite are a rock band whose music isn't just a vehicle to enact change and to educate. Their music is catchy, well-written, and timeless enough to seep into your brain, your blood, and your heart; these songs will stay with you forever. On Our Darkest Days, Ignite push forward with positive momentum, showing off a matured version of the intelligent, socially and politically aware, melodic brand of hardcore that fans have come to expect. But these aren't songs reserved solely for reckless, rebellious youth or the band's diehard fans. The songs that populate Our Darkest Days will stand the test of time you'll listen to them when you've got kids of your own.

On Our Darkest Days, Ignite have progressed beyond their punk/hardcore foundation. Sure, songs like "Bleeding" and "Let It Burn" have so much energy you'd think singer Zoli Teglas, his longtime co-conspirator Brett Rasmussen, and their crew downed several cases of Red Bull before recording Our Darkest Days, but there is a depth and breadth of focused songwriting on this album. Ignite have paid particular attention to melodic detail and once again, the soaring vocals of Teglas take center stage.

"Having [producer] Cameron Webb behind this album from the pre-production steps to the mastering has brought a great new element to Ignite," reveals Teglas. "He's produced great records, like the last Social Distortion and Motorhead records. He made us think outside of the box and helped take our songwriting up a few notches. He pushed us to get more melodic in the songs." He's right. "Bleeding" sets the tone for the album, with its angry, yet melodic pulse. It's also the band's commentary on our country's occupation of Iraq and the government's agenda. "Poverty For All" represents a sonic and songwriting shift for Ignite. The song, which deals with the political strife and Communism that has plagued Teglas's home country of Hungary, is different because "we have never used this fast beat before and it gives us a refreshing new way to play a fast song," says bassist Rasmussen. "Let It Burn" is sure to be a fan fave, with its heavy breakdown, it message about alcohol abuse, and its gang vocal. But it's that thread of potent melodicism that courses through the song's vein and makes it so memorable. You will hum the melodies of most of these songs days after you've listened to em.

But what makes Ignite appeal to rock fans of all ages and creeds is that Our Darkest Day is, according to Rasmussen, "a great blend of hardcore, punk and rock. Zoli's vocals bring a refreshing singing voice to the growling/screaming dominated hard rock music world. The songs have lyrical content that has meaning and melodies that can be heard."

In today's overpopulated rock music scene, standing out and making yourself memorable are essential survival tools. Ignite have mastered the art of memorable melodies on Our Darkest Days without sacrificing an ounce of intensity, aggression, or heart. -Amy Sciarretto

Zoli Teglas - Vocals
Brett Rasmussen - Bass
Brian Balchack - Guitar
Nik Hill - Guitar
Craig Anderson - Drums


"InnerFade" & "Melnā Piektdiena"

"Sensation HardCore, Vol.1" (Bilde nr.2)
"Sensation HardCore, Vol.1" (Bilde nr.1)
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Norises vieta

Rīga, klubs „Melnā Piektdiena”

Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Brīvības ielā 193c (bij. Rūpnīcas „Sarkanā zvaigzne” teritorijā. No centra lūkojoties VEF gaisa tilta pakājē kreisajā pusē tuvāk Teikai). Lai pirmajā apmeklējuma reizē pilsētas labirintos neapjuktu un neaizmaldītos neceļos, jābūt gana acīgam un par atslēgu minētajā adresē, kā arī orientieri kājām jāuztver „c”. No trokšņainās Rīgas artērijas – Brīvības ielas – pie nama Nr.193 neliela šķērsieliņa ved uz citu pasauli kādreizējās rūpnīcas „Sarkanā Zvaigzne” teritorijā. Baudot monstrozo ainavu, kas vēl saglabājusies kapitālisma tuklā atjaunošanas pirksta neskarta, jāsoļo garām pamestām bijušajām ražotnēm, kurās spokojas tukši logi un aizlaiku dvaša, vecai, sūnās iegrimušai volgai, kā ari citiem acīm tīkamiem labumiem. Jāsoļo taisni uz priekšu līdz pašam galam. Strupceļš atvedīs īstajā vietā - līdz baltu ķieģeļu ēkai Nr.193c, kurā savu mājvietu radis mūzikas klubs „Melnā Piektdiena”.

Vēlams nemēģināt iekarot pirmo ēkas stāvu, kur miermīlīgi mājo kāda ceha birojs. Labāk to netraucēt. Līdzās biroja durvīm labajā pusē būs vēl vienas durvis – tās ir īstās.


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18 komentāri Komentēšana pieejama visiem.
tom-innerfade, 10.04.2008. 13:18:41
Komentāra reitings: 0.999


-Watch "Ignite - Bleeding" video at youtube:

-Download "Ignite - Bleeding" video [ifolder/ .mpg/ 22 mb/ Hi-Q]:

-Download "Ignite - Bleeding" video [.flv/ 7mb/ Low-Q]: http://lln-videos.metacafe.com/ItemFiles/%5BFrom%20www.metacafe.com%5D%20184711.1230033.11.flv

-Watch "Ignite - My Judgement Day" video at youtube:

-Watch "Ignite - Veteran" video at youtube:

-Watch "Death Before Dishonor - Break Through It All" video at youtube:

-Watch "Death Before Dishonor - Born From Misery" video at youtube:

-Watch "Burn the 8 Track - Two Worlds Apart" video at youtube:

-Watch "Burn the 8 Track - Buried Beneath Us" video at youtube:

-"Ignite - Our Darkest Days" (2006) [Album]:

"Ignite - Bleeding" video:
Bleeding is the first video from Ignites new album Our DarkestDays just released on Abacus Recordings. Ignite who have beencrafting some of the most definitive melodic west coast more... hardcore over the past decade and are also known for their noholds barred social and politically engaging lyrics. This songand video is no different as the subject deals with the Iraqoccupation by the U.S. As bassist Brett Rasmussen explains, itis about the lies our Government told us to get us into a warwithout taking the rest of the worlds consideration into it.Vocalist Zoli Teglas who wrote the lyrics has a youngerbrother currently stationed in Iraq where as he explains he isforced to risk his life driving Halliburton execs to meetings that benefit the politicians and not the people.

alvils, 11.04.2008. 06:49:17
Komentāra reitings: 4.275

IGNITE! :D uz šito nevar neierasties (kaut vai būtu 40 grādu temperatūra vai lauzta kāja)!

Biļetes jau tirgo vai šoreiz biļetes būs tikai uz vietas?

tom-innerfade, 11.04.2008. 10:15:12
Komentāra reitings: 2.443

to alvils:
šoreiz biļetes būs tikai uz vietas ))
Ignite - Our Darkest Days (2006) [Album] <10x/10x>

xnemiersx, 13.04.2008. 07:43:07
Komentāra reitings: 4.271

ā, perfekti! gan DBD gan ignite! es tak uz viņiem bezmaz domāju uz zviedriju braukt!
paldies rīkotājiem!

kid, 13.04.2008. 16:24:30
Komentāra reitings: 5.687


nav ko teikt! LV vnk pilnīgi norauj jumtu pēdējā laikā!!! :)

tiekamies tur!!

pitchfork, 14.04.2008. 09:29:57 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 4.242

Es ar drošvien iešu, lai gan reiz spontāni redzēju viņus Varšāvā un vīlos rokstārisma attiekmsē, but oh well :).

dzēsts lietotājs, 14.04.2008. 14:45:26
Komentāra reitings: 4.388

ies ies, kur pēcpusē liksies.

dzēsts lietotājs, 14.04.2008. 17:09:59
Komentāra reitings: 5.713


dzēsts lietotājs, 14.04.2008. 18:33:59
Komentāra reitings: -2.775

vakars uz ezera :D

alvils, 23.04.2008. 12:58:48
Komentāra reitings: 2.782

pitchfork, Tu esi muļķis! :) Tu jau uz Reel Big Fish nebiji. Pamēģini tik uz Ignite neierasties, piekaušu! ;)

cekule, 05.05.2008. 08:02:39
Komentāra reitings: 2.928

ALvils arii mulkjis :D
jo THE USED noskatiijies toreiz tikai pirmas dziesmas!!! ( taa nedrikstej) nu skanja toreiz bij laba!!!

R., 11.05.2008. 20:53:24 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 0.125

vismaz enhet nav! :D

omg, 12.05.2008. 11:03:44 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: -2.819

Ou mai gād, kāpēc saidmaind? Un kāpēc tesa?

inspektors caps, 12.05.2008. 13:52:17 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 1.596

vispār jau viņu ierašanās ticamība ir 50:50, jo ignite oficiālajā mājaslapā rakstīts, ka viņi 17.maijā spēlēs "Riga, Lithuania". Un braucot no dienvidiem viņiem noteikti jādodas caur lietuvu, kur viņi var arī neatrast pilsētu Rīga. tad gan būtu skābi.

tom-innerfade, 13.05.2008. 10:01:59
Komentāra reitings: 0.994

inspektors caps - kas par hujnju tu rakstii?!!!!!!!
vinjiem koncis Igaunija 5dien un tad LV 6dien!!!!!!
Par "Riga, Lithuania" - tas ir tikai amerikaanju stulbums, jo vinji nezin kas ir vispaar LV un LT!!!!!!

tom-innerfade, 13.05.2008. 10:08:02
Komentāra reitings: -3.407

Juus esat taadi pisimisti, psc, depresiivi goti... kas tas par kommentiem... man juus ljoti zheel... vienmeer ir kaut kaads pidaras, kuram kaut ko nepatiik, kursh bljauj vienmeer, bet pats...#@*^

inspektors caps, 13.05.2008. 11:22:39 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 1.474

tiešām igaunija! atvainojos, biju pievērsis uzmanību ukrainai 14.maijā. tas nozīmē, ka ievērojami palielinās viņu iespējas atrast pilsētu Rīga. Teiksim 70:30. un es vēlētos aizrādīt tom-innerfade, ka "kas par hujnju tu rakstii" ir diezgan neveikla teikuma konstrukcija. piedāvāju divus variantus (saglabājot kontekstu): 1) "inspektor cap, tu galīgi ahujel!!!!!!!!" 2) "inspektor cap, kādu hujnju tu raksti?!!!!"

kid, 13.05.2008. 17:01:32
Komentāra reitings: -0.17

:D:D tieshaam satraucosh notikums..

nu tad jau liidz 6dienai, ko tur daudz prognozeet, buus iists izniicinaataajs :)

Komentāra pievienošana

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