I am innocent

Rita Andžāne, 22.02.2009., 19:29

Don’t you see?
There is a light in me.

Don’t you feel
That string of hope I seek?
You do not mean
That the world to be
Is corrupted in feel
In this life of the living stream.
I am innocent
No matter what do I do.
I am innocent
Because I know what I do.
I am innocent
Because I care what I do.
I am innocent
Because I believe in you.
In you -
In the world of the realistic hope.
I am innocent!
Because I take all the consequence what my work can do.
I am innocent!!!
Don’t you feel it?
I am innocent!!!
Don’t you feel
That I am NOT going to give up?
Don’t you see?
That I AM going to fight?
For the hope of the life
And the life with the hope.
Don’t you see, that there is an innocence in this world?
I am innocent.
The only question is – are you?

2 komentāri Komentēšana pieejama visiem.
ed, 22.02.2009. 20:27:27
Komentāra reitings: 1.457

"You do not mean
That the world to be
Is corrupted in feel" << šī teik. uzbūve šķiet sviestaina

"Because I take all the consequence what my work can do." << "consequence", man liekas būtu jāraksta daudzskaitlī, tā kā tā gluži nav neskaitāma lieta.

"Don’t you see, that there is an innocence in this world?" << artikulu "an" vajadzētu atsviest.

Rita, 23.02.2009. 14:46:58 (ip:
Komentāra reitings: 1.44

ed paldies. Njemsu veeraa

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