Market Glory- play strategy game and eanr real money

06.08.2012 20:08:24 aizsāka hybrid
1 komentārs Komentēt var tikai reģistrētie lietotāji, komentārus redz visi lietotāji. reģistrēties vai ielogojies!
hybrid, 06.08.2012. 20:11:11 (fiksēts pārkāpums)
Komentāra reitings: 0

MarketGlory is an economic, political, social and military simulator where you can convert your virtual currency into real money.
Each player from the MarketGlory community has the opportunity to: work, set up companies, run for the government, recommend referrals, gain military ranks and build their own organization.

The road to success in MarketGlory is achieved through a personal strategy by each player in the community. There is no time limit, some will reach objectives sooner than others. It is important to be present in MarketGlory and develop something that gives you satisfaction in this game. Success is the result of an activity which is based on action and perseverance. In every field of life, those who do not give up will certainly reach all their goals.
Therefore, success in MarketGlory can give you a substantial income in real life.
Money does not bring happiness, but their number does.
MarketGlory – on the 1st place in the world

According to the statistics made by companies specialized in daily monitoring and analyzing the sites, MarketGlory is situated on the First place in the world, for the section Strategy games which allow to convert the virtual currencies into real money. We want to thank our users, who contributed to the development of the game, and we ensure you that the MarketGlory team is constantly working for the good course of the game, to enhance it and to develop this concept, which values its users. Together with our users, we are a team, and your contribution is highly appreciated by all who started this project.
Thank You,
The MarketGlory Team

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