Training Course "Elixir" Pure Concentrate Of Anti-discrimination
Madara Peipiņa, 10.04.2007., 07:09Tev ir pieredze organizējot jauniešu pasākumus vai īstenojot projektus, pie tam ir liela interese par antirasisma un antidiskriminācijas pasākumiem, taču nedaudz trūkst zināšanu?
Tad starptautiskais apmācību kurss "ELIXIR - pure concentrate of antidiscrimination" ir domāts tieši tev! Tas notiks no 2007.gada 2. līdz 9.maijam Siguldā. Darba valoda - angļu.a) Profile of the course
‘ELIXIR, pure concentrate of Anti-Discrimination’ is a 8 days (including travel days) training course in the framework of the YOUTH Programme. It is addressed to 25 participants coming from EU countries.
Its main aim is to improve the youth work in general, and Youth in Action projects on racism and discrimination topics in particular, by exploring different kinds of discrimination and its consequences in our societies.
b) Objectives of the course
o To explore personal, group and cultural identity and boundaries.
o To raise participants’ awareness on cultural, ethnic, religious, gender-based diversity, using the methodology of Non Formal Education.
o To foster exchange of participants experience working with problematic of racism and discrimination;
o To offer participants the possibility of interaction with the local youth in relation to the topic of discrimination.
o To provide participants with useful information, new competences and learning methods for developing new projects which promote tolerance and diversity within the Youth in Action programme.
c) Methodology
o The methodology that will be used is non-formal education with a special focus on: active, participative, experiential, intercultural methods and artistic expression.
d) Languages:
o The working language is English.
e) Participants' Profile:
o Older than 18 years old
o Previous experience in youth work in local, regional, national or international activities
o Experience or interest to work in the field of social inclusion and/or with any kind of minorities
o Able to communicate in English
o Basic knowledge of the Youth in Action Programme
o Able to attend the TC for its full duration
g) Some Programme Elements:
o Personal identity (or my identity), group identity, cultural identity
o Discrimination and race, gender, religion and youth work in Europe
o Meeting local youth
o Input on the new Youth in Action Programme
o Other
f) Financial and practical conditions of participation
o Board and lodging will be provided by the Latvian National Agency. Travel expenses are to be paid by sending NA.
(Before applying, please, check if your National Agency is selecting and supporting the participation in this TC.)
g) Deadline for applications
o The deadline for the application is 13th of April.
Before applying, please, check if your National Agency is selecting and supporting the participation in this TC.
For more information, answers to unclear questions please contact Zita Krastina, Latvian NA, e-mail:
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