"Fonofest 3"
Cēsu rajona ekstrēmo sporta veidu komplekss “Uplandi”, Blindside, Brainers, Crowd, Defdump, Enhet, Girls Leave Me Naked, Logo, My Machete, Pent-in Dreams, P.O. Box, Cacophonics, Starlight Nine, The Hobos, Vic Anselmo, Pcholi, Extinct. Radio Swh "Pagraba" skatuve: 13. Jūlijs - Tumors, Martin Confused, Stūrī Zēvele, Revo, Jānis Riekstiņš, Tomsons, Evija Bartkeviča. 14. Jūlijs - Goran Gora Play(ing)Station(s), Mona De Bo, Mart Inc., Dj Uga, Kristiāns Daniēlis, Destill, Kgdj, Maciņi, Dj seti: Boriss, Astro Sisters, Dj Carduelis, Dj Sharms, Erbe The Robot, Pop beats Poetry
Bildes: Edgars Žurauskis (edd_)
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