Skaņu mežs '07
Rīga, Andrejsala, Boredoms (Japāna), Dun Dun (Latvija), Barodarho (Latvija), Goodiepal (Dānija), Astrowind (Latvija), Zeena Parkins & Ikue Mori (ASV), Error (Latvija), Planningtorock (Lielbritānija), my-ym (Latvija), The Killl (Norvēģija), Venetian Snares (Kanāda), Mazen Kerbaj & Raed Yassin & Sharif Sehnaoui (Libāna), No Neck Blues Band (ASV), Dublicate (Lietuva), Prurient (ASV), Stella (Igaunija), Gas of Latvia & Kaspars Rolšteins (Latvija), The Books (ASV), Mouse on Mars (Vācija)
Bildes: Jānis Altmanis (artemijs)
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Hello. And Bye.
Hey guys. I have a Safepal wallet. I opened it with 12 words of ribbon thought gun spy struggle inmate thunder retreat vanish stamp curtain jewel. I have $170 in my wallet, but I can't get it, I need some trx — what is it?.. Tell me what to do!Lirgennick[Ozexoxuryhjejxif,2,5]
manuscripts attributed to RobinsRubberfis