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Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo", Orbita un Saule Sound, Gas Of Latvia un Oskars Poikāns, Deep Retro Scratch (Igors Poloņanovs un dj Krii), Gaiķu Māris, Helēna un Zivs, Svens, Cikala, Mārtiņš Links, dj Nikotīns

Bildes: Valters Kolosovs

Vēlies redzēt bildes lielākā izšķirtspējā? Ielogojies!

Padalies priekā
Hello. And Bye.


Hey guys. I have a Safepal wallet. I opened it with 12 words of ribbon thought gun spy struggle inmate thunder retreat vanish stamp curtain jewel. I have $170 in my wallet, but I can't get it, I need some trx — what is it?.. Tell me what to do!


manuscripts attributed to Robins

