3.februāris, 2011, ceturtdiena, 22:00
The Loch Ness Mouse (Norvēģija – pop/ indie/ r’n’b/ džezs)
2 Ls/ 1 Ls ar flaijeri
http://www.myspace.com/thelochnessmouse http://www.thelochnessmouse.com/ Pastāv jau 17 gadus. 7 cilvēku apvienība. Burvīgs r’n’b, pop, džeza sajaukums. Grupas 2002. un 2005. gada albumi saņēmuši balvas kā gada Norvēģijas labākie pop albumi. Gūzmu briljantu atsauksmju jau sapelnījis grupas jaunākais albums. Lai arī grupa ir Norvēģijas lielāko festivālu galveno skatuvju neatņemamam sastāvdaļa, tā joprojām ir 100 % alternatīvās skatuves pārstāve. - The best norwegian pop album you get to hear this year (Adresseavisa, rating 6/6) - A close to perfect pop album (www.nomusicmedia.com, rating 8.5/10) - This summer's most beautiful soundtrack (Groove, rating 6/7) - Ambitious, enthusiastic and convincing (Dagsavisen, rating 5/6) - This is one of the best pop albums I've heard in years (PussyJazz) - Norway's greatest pop band (Dagens Næringsliv) In their 17th year of existence The Loch Ness Mouse from Norway release their 4th studio album "New Graffiti". The album follows up "11-22" from 2005 and "Key West" from 2002, both of these albums nominated to "Pop Album of the Year" in Norway (Alarm Prize). The band is centered around the songwriting brothers Jörn and Ole Johannes Aleskjaer, and has since the start released 4 studio albums, of which two albums are also released in the US and one in Japan. There's also a best of-CD compiled for the Japanese market only ("Cargo - An introduction to The Loch Ness Mouse"). The band has toured all over Norway, in England, in Sweden and in China, and guitarist Ole Johannes has also been a touring member of The Ladybug Transistor + with front man Gary Olson solo in Scandinavia and Spain + with the band I was a King. Through 17 years, and although they have played the main stages of the bigger festivals in Norway at the time, The Loch Ness Mouse have remained a 100% indie underground act, and have constantly kept on challenging new musical territory, from the late Beach Boys-oriented harmony pop on "Key West" to the more demanding r'n'b/jazz-influenced indie pop on "New Graffiti". Like the All Music Guide puts it, The Loch Ness Mouse play a "bouncy, brassy mash up of r'nb and indie pop". - This is some of the best pop music ever released in this country (Natt&Dag on "11-22")
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