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23.novembris, 2010, otrdiena, 20.00 - 24.00

Vētras saites, Skandine kokļu ansamblis, Katrīna Gupalo, Baložu pilni pagalmi grupa, Kas Tev par daļu grupa, Toms Londons.



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An Arsenal fan won £4,000 on a tiny 82p bet by guessing the correct result for 12 football games, while refusing to back his own favourite

Dean Lobendhan, 42, bet on 12 fixtures on October 19, 2024 on odds of 5000 to one.
He refused to place a bet on his own team and randomly decided his guess for winning sides. 

The teams he correctly predicted to win matches were Notts County, Bradford City,
Accrington Stanley, Northampton Town, Huddersfield Town, Real Madrid,
Burnley, Port Vale, Juventus FC, Bayer Leverkusen, Borussia Mönchengladbach and Bayern Munich.

His bets stretched across multiple leagues in four different countries, including Germany, Spain and Italy. 

However he declined to place a bet on his own side winning, which turned out to be
the right call as Arsenal lost 2-0 to Bournemouth in a Premier League clash. 

Two days later he opened up his betting profile to discover
£4,062.14 waiting for him in his account, including £830.25 from
an odds boost.

Now the football fan is planning to use his winnings to celebrate at Christmas and put it towards his business.

Dean, who works at a sports centre, from Redbridge, London, said: 'I put all the teams down at random to win.

Dean Lobendhan won over £4,000 after correctly guessing the results of 12 football fixtures, but declining to put his
money on his own favourite side winning

Dean was shocked to find he had pocketed a total of
£4,062.14 from his 82p bet

'I never bet on my own team. I'd never thought I'd win. I'm loving it.'

Dean, who occasionally makes small bets, placed 82p on the football teams
and £2 on a horse.

He said: 'The first bet on the horse was 28-to-one.
The football bet was 5,000-to-one.

'I thought 'if I lose, it's not the end of the world'.'

But he didn't look at his winnings until his 'intuition' told him to two
days later.

When he logged into his betting profile he saw
that he had made £6.60 on his bet with the horse but was shocked when he scrolled down further
to find his football winnings.

He said: 'I looked at the corner and it said just under £4,100.

'I thought 'wow'.'

Dean said he would use his winnings to celebrate and put them into his tea
selling business on eBay.

Dean said: 'This is a dream and bonus.'

Dean's correct predictions

All fixtures played on October 19

Notts County v AFC Wimbledon - 1 - 0

Bradford City v Gillingham - 2 - 1

Accrington Stanley v Barrow AFC - 1- 0

Northampton Town v Leyton orient - 1 -0

Huddersfield Town v Bristol Rovers - 3 - 1

Real Madrid v Celta de vigo - 2 - 1

Burnley v Sheffield Wednesday - 2 - 0

Port Vale v Fleetwood town - 3 - 1

Juventus FC v Lazio - 1 - 0

Bayer Leverkusen vs Eintracht Frankfurt - 2 - 1

Borussia mönchengladbach v FC Heidenheim - 3 -2

Bayern Munich v Stuttgart - 4 - 0

BurnleyBayer LeverkusenReal MadridItaly

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