16.septembris, 2006, sestdiena
Set My Path, Meleeh, Sidemind, Zoltan
2Ls; 3Ls pēc 22.00; ar flaieri lētāk
SET MY PATH have been an influential and important injection in the Scandinavian hardcore community since the birth of the band in late 2001. Playing more and louder shows in Scandinavia than most around today. Always receiving good reviews and response from their audience and the press. SET MY PATH have always sought to bring back what they found missing: an upright and honest ambition to communicate, spread and exchange ideas wherever the roads may lead. It’s been the fundament of the band from day one; exchanging ideas and casting light onto things we find important while doing what we love the most: playing our hearts out on stage. Manifesting how a band can remain inspirational and inspired through the years. Look out for SET MY PATH on tour this fall in support of ”The Mechanics Of Freedom” coming out on BLACK STAR FOUNDATION in September 2006. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MELEEH collective is a protest to the world we feel and breathe every day. Five individuals gathered together to create what holds us the dearest, art. In these times of desperation and anxiety we feel it deadly important to speak our minds and express ourselves. Especially within the hardcore punk community, where all kinds of people meet with various backgrounds and with different ideas. We may not offer solutions or answers, but fragments and scars of neglect ion, insufficiency and incapability towards the adulthood and failing parents. On stage we catch a small glimpse of freedom. A moment of true sincerity. As we like to say, resistance is born of desertion. And this is our vengeance. This is our transmission from hate to love, despair to rage and stagnation to creativity.
Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"
Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 32. Tas ir netālu no Galerijas "Centrs", no tās jādodas pa Vaļņu ielu autoostas virzienā. Tālrunis: +371 7220114
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