22.augusts, 2007, trešdiena, 21:00
Ghiu (Nīderlande – eksperimenti/ noise) + Puseh Pusew (elektronika), Morning Maniacs un citi
3 Ls/ 4 Ls pēc 22.00
Ghiu (Nīderlande – eksperimenti/ noise) http://www.antenna.nl/sic-rec/s-r/bands/ghiu_video.php + Puseh Pusew (elektronika) http://myspace.com/pusehpusew Morning Maniacs http://morningmaniacs.draugiem.lv/ citi Ghiu.......sound.....forever moving & always changing........ let's say 'Slightly schizophrene ex-noise with an epic spasm '...... for now that is.... A trio . 2 boys one girl . - members met somewhere in 2003 - two full lenght cd's until now: the 7 track debut cd is called 'an illusions chapel vol. 1' which is metaphoric for both lyrical and musical content. Dark, moody and nostalgic... Ghiu recorded their second album august 2005: 'an illusions chapel vol.2' . On this cd Ghiu combines hi-energy drum beatings, pulsating bass, both noisy-staccato and atmospheric synth/guitar, with the hyper-throat, words & melodies of shabby inc. April 2007: Ghiu has just released its first 7 inch called 'An illussions chapel ep' and just keeps evolving week after week...month after month.
Klubs "Depo"
Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"
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