"Akustisks koncerts Depo"

Informācija par pasākumu

9.jūlijs, 2007, pirmdiena, 21:00

Edgars Šubrovskis (Hospitāļu iela), Darren Hanlon (Austrālija), Graeme Jarvie (Skotija, Latvija), Paul Needza Friend (ASV)

2 Ls/ 3 Ls pēc 22:00

DARREN HANLON (Austrālija)
Darren Hanlon is an Australian singer/songwriter who plays folk-rock, folk-pop and occasionally folk punk. He has released three solo albums, two EPs and four singles on Candle Records, as well as several compilation tracks.
Darren has also made five video clips, of his songs "Happiness is a Chemical", "Hiccups", "A to Z", "Elbows" and "The Unmade Bed" (the last being directed by the 2005 Tropfest winner, Luke Eve).
Before becoming a solo artist in 1999, he was a member of the Simpletons, and contributed backing guitar and keyboards for the Lucksmiths, the Deerhunters, and Mick Thomas.
Darren, nicknamed "Daz" or "Dazza", is known for his engagement with his audiences, through his down-to-earth storytelling at live gigs as well as his often charming lyrics. He has toured with Billy Bragg, Violent Femmes and The Magnetic Fields.
Darren has currently moved back to Sydney and is in the midst of doing an Australian tour and will be going to America later this year.

Paul Needza Friend (ASV)
Performing independently throughout the United States and parts of Europe, Paul is noted for making his largest impact as a Singer-Songwriter in Los Angeles. As both a solo-artist and with his band The American Tragedy, Paul has been featured in such magazines as Music Connection and has worked with such industry names as Denis Rider (Blind Melon, Ugly Kid Joe, Evanescence), Jeff Light (Rob Zombie), Bob Kulick (Kiss, Motorhead), Dave Fortman (Evanescence, Eye Hate God, Phil Anselmo), and Mike Gormley (Police, Bangles, Oingo Boingo).
Paul is currently working on a new record, a movie soundtrack, and intermittently playing concerts around the south-western United States.
Paul have been nominated for BEST MALE VOCALIST 2006 by All Access
Magazine Music Awards.
His single "Baby...I'm a Psycho" has been in the top 5 in the "Demo-lition" charts at Epitaph Records website. A few of Pauls songs were put into rotation at some radio stations.

Graeme Jarvie (Skotija, Latvija)


Klubs Depo

"Akustisks koncerts Depo" (Bilde nr.1)
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