"The Disgrazia Legend" un "Bihmal"

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28.aprīlis, 2007, sestdiena, 22:00

The Disgrazia Legend (itālija – experimental/hc), bihmal (polija – experimental/alternative) + Insomnia, Collide + dj Anete

3 Ls/ 4 Ls pēc 22.00

THE DISGRAZIA LEGEND (Itālija – experimental/hc)

BHIMAL (Polija – experimental/alternative)



+ dj Anete

The Milano based quintet The Disgrazia Legend has been compared to bands like Playing Enemy, Unsane, Breather Resist, Will Haven, Breach, Botch, Majority Rule, Training For Utopia, Drowningman, Spitfire and StretchArmStrong. Though, since forming in 1997 as Onetruth, the band has aimed to pound out a unique stamp in the music landscape playing an amalgamation of hardcore, rock, noise, and metal with a subtle acoustic atmosphere.
TDL is be no different, drawing from influences including acclaimed staples Neurosis, Helmet, Knut, Unsane, Isis & Quicksand to outstanding spacey/psychedelic and sclerotic acts like Sonic Youth, Shellac, Colossamite & The Flying Luttenbachers, without lacking to show their own hardcore and noise touch. The sound comes complete with introspective and honest lyrics to touch everyone's mind and soul... hopefully.
The band remains true to their punk roots as well, by focusing a strong light on politics and society with sincerity and a dose of sarcasm, along with exposing an inner light in their own personal quest for fullfillment and reason in life within this crazy and hectic globalized world.
At the end of 2004 TDL entered AlphaOmega studio in Como, to work with Alex Azzali (Metalblade and so on), the 4 songs recorded are the band's contribute to an 8 songs split cd with THE DEADLY (from Philadelphia, with members of TURMOIL), out now on Hurry Up! records (italy), All Life Ends records (Germany) and Desertion records (France).
After the recording session Giorgio left the drums spot and Carlo took his place after some months of endless research. Then again, during december 2k5 Riccardo joined the band as the new base player and Andrea quit on good terms to focus on his other projects.
Now, after years spent looking for people willing to be part of a full-time band, TDL is finally able to tour and stay on the road as much as possible, therefore feel free to contact us here if you want our sweat and passion on your stage, we'll be glad to come and tear the house down, well sorta.
A new demo has been recorded still at Alphaomega studio with Alex Azzali with 3 new songs, we're going to spread it to the labels and promoters. (When interested in booking a show, ask for your copy of the promo, we'll be sending it on your way asap)
TDL played with: Zao, Majority Rule, Norma Jean, Stretch Arm Strong, Evergreen Terrace, The Smackdown, Fifth Hour Hero, Yaphet Kotto, Cable Car Theory, Colligere, Walls Of Jericho, Sinai Beach, Count Me Out, Undying, Destiny, Deluge, The Spirit That Guides Us, The Miracle, The Secret, 25talife, Today Forever, Brandtson, Extinction of Mankind, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Rise & Fall, Another Breath, xRisenx and more I can't think of right now.. Zao, Majority Rule, Norma Jean, Stretch Arm Strong, Fifth Hour Hero, Yaphet Kotto, Cable Car Theory, Colligere, Walls Of Jericho, Sinai Beach, Count Me Out, Indecision, Undying, Daily Fire, John Ball, Destiny, Deluge, The Spirit That Guides Us, Soapbox, The Miracle, Forest Yell, The Secret, Memories Of Apocalypse, Fine Before You Came, 25talife, Today Forever, Brandtson, Extinction of Mankind, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Rise & Fall, Another Breath, xRisenx and more I can't think of right now.

Bhimal play a cool mix of newschool hc at its best with a female singer, think of bands like Coalesce, Cro-Mags, Conviction, Worlds Collide and so on.


Klubs "Depo"

"The Disgrazia Legend" un "Bihmal" (Bilde nr.1)
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Rīga, mūzikas klubs "Depo"

Klubs atrodas Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 32. Tas ir netālu no Galerijas "Centrs", no tās jādodas pa Vaļņu ielu autoostas virzienā.

Tālrunis: +371 7220114


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5 komentāri Komentēšana pieejama visiem.
santa ze., 24.04.2007. 16:05:59
Komentāra reitings: 0

ou ou ou!
tagad tikai jābrīvē laiks!

dzēsts lietotājs, 28.04.2007. 13:00:43
Komentāra reitings: 0

Nevis Bihmal, bet Bhimal!

dzēsts lietotājs, 29.04.2007. 14:27:00
Komentāra reitings: 0

labi, ka nav tadzjmahal!

dveeseliite, 29.04.2007. 17:08:55
Komentāra reitings: 0

Insomnia =)

dzēsts lietotājs, 30.04.2007. 08:55:39
Komentāra reitings: 0

vēl viena :D

Komentāra pievienošana

Ar * atzīmētie lauciņi ir jāaizpilda obligāti.

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manuscripts attributed to Robins

