20.maijs, 2008, otrdiena, 18:00
On free stage - Butter In Fly, Hipster Funk, Nelly (Paris), Ruslans. Gogolis „Marriage" by SSE Riga drama club, Janis Upenieks "Liepiņš Case", "Invisible K" by RTU theatre "Spēle", Dmitrijs Golubnicijs "Susie", "The dream of a butterfly" by LU Student theatre, Gytis Padegimas drama workshop, Hipster Funk.
Par brīvu!
18.00 beginning 18.10 Gogolis „Marriage" by SSE Riga drama club 18.50 Janis Upenieks "Liepiņš Case" 19.00 "Invisible K" by RTU theatre "Spēle" 19.30 Dmitrijs Golubnicijs "Susie" 19.40 "The dream of a butterfly" by LU Student theatre 20.10 Gytis Padegimas drama workshop 21.30 break 21.50 Butter In Fly - www.butterinfly.lv 22.50 Hipster Funk 23.45 The End
Rīga, RTU
Kaļķu 1
dēmit. es ietu bet netieku un laikam arī nedrīsktu :D
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